:::: CLASS OFFERING - PER Subject ::::
1st Sem
2nd Sem
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Subject offered
AbnPsych (Abnormal Psychology)
AccCom (Accounting for Business Combinations)
AccIntern (Accounting Internship)
AccRes (Accounting Research)
AccStan (Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards)
AdManPE (Administration and Management of Physical Education and Health Education Programs)
AdMathECEb (Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE, Lab)
AdMathECEc (Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE, Lec)
AdStat (Advanced Statistics)
AdvIAS (Advance Information Assurance and Security)
AdvMathCS (Differential and Integral Calculus)
Agri2 (Agri-Fishery Part 2)
AgriTour (Professional Elective: Agri-Tourism)
AlgorCom (Algorithms and Complexity)
AnaPhyLab (Anatomy and Physiology, Laboratory)
AnaPhyLec (Anatomy and Physiology, Lecture)
AnPhyHum (Anatomy and Physiology of Human Movement)
Anthro (Socio-Cultural Anthropology)
ApConLearn (Applied Motor Control and Learning of Exercise, Sports and Dance)
AppTechB (Applied Business Tools and Technologies, Lab)
AppTechC (Applied Business Tools and Technologies, Lec)
ArcDesign10 (Thesis Research and Application)
ArcDesign2 (Architectural Design 2: Creative Design and Fundamentals)
ArcDesign4 (Architectural Design 4: Space Planning 1)
ArcDesign6 (Architectural Design 6: Site Development Planning and Landscaping)
ArcDesign8 (Architectural Design 8: Design of Complex Structures)
ArcHist03 (History of Architecture 3: Filipino Vernacular Architecture)
ARCHIST1 (History of Architecture 1)
ArcInt (Architecture Interiors)
ArcResearch (Architectural Research Methods)
ArcStat (Statics of Rigid Bodies)
ArcStruc01 (Theory of Structures)
ArcStruc03 (Architectural Structures)
ArcVisCom3 (Architectural Visual Communications 3: Graphics 2)
ArcVisCom4 (Architectural Visual Communications 4: Visual Techniques 2)
ArtApp (Art Appreciation)
AsianB (Professional Elective: Asian Cuisine, Lab)
AsianC (Professional Elective: Asian Cuisine, Lec)
AsLearn1 (Assessment inLearning 1)
AsLearn1TM (Assessment in Learning 1 with Focus on Trainers Methodology I & II)
AsMath (Assessment & Evaluation in Mathematics)
AudApp (Auditing and Assurance: Concepts and Applications 1 & 2)
AudEnvi (Auditing in CIS Environment)
BankFin (Banking and Financial Institutions)
BarManB (Professional Elective: Bar Management, Lab)
BarManC (Professional Elective: Bar Management, Lec)
BasMicro (Basic Microeconomics)
BehFin (Behavioral Finance)
BioChemLab (Biochemistry with Organic Chemistry, Lab)
BioChemLec (Biochemistry with Organic Chemistry, Lec)
BioSci (Biological Sciences)
BLDGTECH2 (Building Technology 2: Construction Drawing in Wood, Steel, and Concrete)
BLDGTECH4 (Building Technology 4: Specification Writing and Quantity Surveying)
BMA2 (Business Management and Application for Architecture 2)
BOSH (Basic Occupational Health and Safety)
BU03 (Building Utilities 3: Acoustics and Lighting Systems)
BuildCur (Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum with Emphasis on the 21st Century Skills)
BusRe (Business Research)
CADD02 (Computer Aided Design & Drafting for Architecture 2)
Calc2 (Calculus 2)
Calculus3 (Calculus 3)
CamJourn (Campus Journalism)
CAN2 (Competency Appraisal, 2)
CapMar (Capital Markets)
CARE (Career and Readiness Enrichment)
Carto (Cartography)
CCS-SAFT (Seminars and Field Trips)
CEEnhance2 (CE Enhancement 2)
CELaws (CE Laws Ethics and Contracts)
CEOJT (On-the-Job Training (240 Hours))
CEProf4 (Professional Course - Specialized 4)
CEProf5 (Professional Course - Specialized 5)
CFLM01 (Character Formation 1-Nationalism)
ChildAdDev (Child and Adolescent Development)
ChildAdLit (Children and Adolescent Literature)
Circuits2b (Circuits 2, Lab)
Circuits2c (Circuits 2, Lec)
Civ328 (Methods of Research)
CLJur02 (Criminal Law (Book 2))
CLJur04 (Criminal Procedure & Court Testimony)
ClothConsB (Clothing Construction, Lab)
ClothConsC (Clothing Construction, Lec)
CogPsych (Cognitive Psychology)
ColMan (Collection Management of Information Resources)
Comms1b (Communications 1: Principles of Communication Systems, Lab)
Comms1c (Communications 1: Principles of Communication Systems, Lec)
Comms3B (Communications 3: Transmission Media and Antenna System and Design, Lab)
Comms3C (Communications 3: Transmission Media and Antenna System and Design, Lec)
Comms4B (Communications 4: Data Communications, Lab)
Comms4C (Communications 4: Data Communications, Lec)
CompFund (Computer Fundamentals and Programming)
CompFundC (Computer Fundamentals and Programming (lec))
CompProg2 (Computer Programming 2)
CompreLec (Comprehensive Lectures for Library and Information Science)
CompuArch (Computer Architecture)
ComputScie (Computational Science)
Concrete (Principles of Reinforced/Prestressed Concrete)
ConEd (Consumer Education)
ConWorld (Contemporary World)
CorAdNon (Non-Institutional Corrections)
CostCon (Cost Accounting and Control)
CpELaws (CpE Laws and Professional Practice)
CpENetworksB (Computer Networks and Security, Lab)
CpENetworksC (Computer Networks and Security, Lec)
CpEOJT (On the Job Training)
CraftDesB (Crafts Design, Lab)
CraftDesC (Crafts Design, Lec)
CrEnhance2 (Enhancement on Forensic Science, LEA & CLJ)
CrmAC2 (Applied Criminology 2)
CrmCDI (Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation & Intelligence)
CrmDrug-HR (Drug Education and Vice Control with Emphasis on Community Involvements and Supports)
CrmOJT (On-the-Job Training (540 Hours))
CrmOnline (Criminology Online Bridging Course)
CrmPolyLab (Polygraph - Lie Detection Techniques, Laboratory)
CrmPolyLec (Polygraph - Lie Detection Techniques, Lecture)
CrmResearch1 (Criminological Research 1)
CrmSCI1 (Special Crime Investigation 1 with Legal Medicine)
CrmSCI2 (Special Crime Investigation 2 with Simulation on Interrogation and Interview)
CrmSoc (Theories of Crime Causation)
CrmTRW1 (Technical Report Writing 1 (Investigative Reports))
Cruise (Professional Elective: Cruise Management)
CSElective2 (CS Elective 2)
CSPrac (Practicum (200 Hours))
CSSpecial2 (CS Specialization Elective 2)
CurDevTM (Curriculum Development and Evaluation with Emphasis on Trainers Methodology II)
CurPEHE (Curriculum and Assessment in Physical Education and Health Education)
Deformable (Mechanics of Deformable Bodies)
DevPsych (Developmental Psychology)
DigiLib (Digital Libraries and Resources)
Disiplina (Pagsasalin sa Iba't Ibang Disiplina)
DisMan (Distribution Management)
DisMath (Discrete Mathematics)
DisStruct1 (Discrete Structures 1)
Diversity (Multicultural Diversity in Workplace for the Tourism Professional)
DrugEd (Drug Education, Consumer Health Education and Nutrition)
DSPB (Digital Signal Processing, Lab)
DSPC (Digital Signal Processing, Lec)
DulFil (Dulang Filipino)
Dynamics (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies)
ECEEnhance2 (ECE Enhancement Course 2)
ECEOJT (On The Job Training (300 hours))
EdIntern (Teaching Internship)
EdInternship (Teaching Internship)
EEEnhance2 (EE Enhancement Course 2)
EELaw (EE Law, Codes, and Professioal Ethics)
EEMath (Engineering Mathematics for EE)
EEng421 (On The Job Training (300 hours))
EEng422 (EE Ehancement Course 2)
EEOJT (On-the-Job Training (300 hours))
ElecGE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering for Geodetic Engineering)
ElecStandards (Electrical Standards & Practices)
ElectromagB (Electromagnetics, Lab)
ElectromagC (Electromagnetics, Lec)
Electronics1B (Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits, Lab)
Electronics1C (Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits, Lec)
Electronics2b (Electronics 2, Lab)
Electronics2c (Electronics 2, Lec)
EngData (Engineering Data Analysis)
EngEcon (Engineering Economics)
EngManProj (Management of Engineering Projects)
EngPlan (Engineering Drawing and Plans)
EngResearch (Methods of Research)
EngUtil1 (Engineering Utilities 1)
Entrep (Entreprenuership)
EnviEng (Environmental Science and Engineering)
EnviLaw (Environmental Law)
EPP2 (Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan with Entrepreneurship)
ERES1Fil (Pananaliksik 1 - Wika at Panitikan)
EssLaw (Free Elective (Essentials of Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law))
Ethics (Ethics)
EvalSSt (Assessment and Evaluation in Social Science)
EventProg (Event-Driven Programming)
EvMan (Events Management)
ExpePsych1 (Experimental Psychology 1)
FeedConB (Feedback and Control Systems, Lab)
FeedConC (Feedback and Control Systems, Lec)
FieldIns2 (Field Instruction 2 (500 Hours))
FieldPsych (Field Methods in Psychology)
FieldWork (Fields of Social Work)
Filipino (Ekokritisismo at Pagpapahalaga sa Kalikasan)
FilWork (Filipino Personality and Social Work)
FinMan (Financial Management)
FLang2 (Foreign Language 2)
Flang4 (Foreign Language 4)
Flang6 (Foreing Language 6)
FluMech (Fluid Mechanics)
FoodChemb (Food Chemistry Lab)
FoodChemc (Food Chemistry Lec)
FoodPrepB (Principles of Food Preparation, Lab)
FoodPrepC (Principles of Food Preparation, Lec)
ForChemToxLab (Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Laboratory)
ForChemToxLec (Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Lecture)
ForSciPILab (Personal Identification Techniques, Laboratory)
ForSciPILec (Personal Identification Techniques, Lecture)
FoSpEd (Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education)
Franchising (Franchising)
FS (Feasibility Studies)
FundaPolSci (Fundamentals of Political Science)
FunDataAn (Fundamentals of Data Analytics)
FundSIA (Fundamentals of Systems Integration and Architecture)
GarManb (Professional Elective:Garde Manger, Lab)
GarManc (Professional Elective:Garde Manger, Lec)
GChOrgLab (General Chemistry - Organic (Laboratory))
GChOrgLec (General Chemistry - Organic (Lecture))
GELaws (Geodetic Engineering Laws, Obligations, Contracts and Ethics)
GenSoc (Gender and Society)
Geo1 (Geography1 (Human Geography))
Geo3 (Geography 3 (Urban Geography))
GeoCE (Geology for Civil Engineers)
Geod400 (Geodetic Engineering Immersion/OJT (240 Hours))
GeodComp (Geodetic Computations and Adjustments)
GeodSurvey (Geodetic Surveying)
GEOJT (Geodetic Engineering Immersion/OJT (240 Hours))
GeoTech1 (Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics))
GEStudies (Special Studies in Geodetic Engineering)
GESurvey2 (General Surveying 2)
GIS (Geographical Information System (GIS))
GlobGeo1 (Global Culture and Tourism Geography 1)
GoodGov (Good Governance and Social Responsibility)
GovEuro (Free Elective (Comparative Government of Selected European States))
GovSouth (Politics and Governance in Southeast Asia)
HuBeVic-HR (Human Behavior & Victimology)
HumRep (Human Reproduction)
Hydraulics (Hydraulics)
HydroSurvey (Hydrograpic Surveying)
Hyrdo (Hydrology)
ICT2 (Introduction to ICT Specializations 2)
IncTax (Income Taxation)
IndSports (Individual and Dual Sports (Racket Sports, Athletics, Martial Arts))
InfoDes (Information Systems Analysis and Design)
InfoLit (Information Literacy)
InfoMain (Information Systems and Operations and Maintenance)
InforMan (Information Management)
InformMan (Information Security and Management)
InfoServ2 (Information Resources and Services 2)
InHouseHM (In-house Practicum (100 hours))
InHouseTM (In-house Practicum)
InstruConB (Instrumentation and Control, Laboratory)
InstruConC (Instrumentation and Control, Lecture)
IntAcc 2 (Intermediate Accounting 2)
InTax (Income Tax)
Integrate (Integrated Accounting Theories and Practice)
InterDance (International Dance and Other Forms)
InterOrg (Free Elective (International Organizations))
IntraAg (International Trade and Agreements)
IntRel (Introduction to International Relations)
IntroAcc (Introductory Accounting for Enterprises)
IntroConB (Introduction to Meetings Incentives, Conferences, and Events Management, Lab)
IntroConC (Introduction to Meetings Incentives, Conferences, and Events Management, Lec)
IntroLaw (Interdisciplinary Elective 1 (Introduction to Law))
IntSys (Intelligent Systems)
ITCap2 (Capstone Project Research 2)
ITPrac (Practicum/OJT (500 hours))
IT-SAD (Systems Analysis and Design for IT)
ITSAFT (Seminars and Field Trip)
JD-JJS (Juvenile Delinquency & Juvenile Justice System)
KnowMul (Indigenous Knowledge and Multiculturalism)
KwenFil (Maikling Kwento at Nobelang Filipino)
LandAdmin (Land Administration and Management)
LandDev (Land Use Planning and Development)
LangCul (Language, Culture and Society)
LangProg (Language Programs and Policies in Multilingual Societies)
LanRes1 (Language Education Research)
LaSalle1 (Life and Works of St. John Baptist De La Salle)
LawRel (Law-Related Studies)
LBO (Law on Business Organization)
Legal (Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality)
LibMat (Library Materials for Children and Young Adults)
LibPrac2 (Library Practice 2)
LitCrit (Literary Criticism)
LivIT (Living in the IT Era)
Machines2B (Electrical Machines 2, Laboratory)
Machines2C (Electrical Machines 2, Lecture)
Macro (Macro Economics)
MakPang (Pagtuturo at Pagtataya ng Makrong Kasanayang Pangwika)
ManIT (Managing Information and Technology)
ManLib (Management of Libraries and Information Centers)
MarMan (Marketing Management)
MarMix (Marketing Mix and Product Development)
Marriage (Marriage and Family Relationships)
MatDev (Instructional Materials and Development and Evaluation)
MathMod (Mathematics in Modern World)
MatSci (Materials Science and Engineering)
MatTest (Construction Materials and Testing)
MethSoc (Integrative Methods in Teaching Social Science Discipline in Basic Education)
MicPers (Micro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality)
MICROB (Microbiology and Parasitology, Lab)
MICROC (Microbiology and Parasitology, Lec)
MiProcB (Microprocessors, Lab)
MiProcC (Microprocessors, Lec)
MobiDev (Mobile Development)
ModGeo (Modern Geometry)
MTB-MLE (Content and Pedagogy in the Mother Tongue)
NCM18-106 (Pharmacology)
NCM18-108 (Health Care Ethics (Bioethics))
NCM18-109c (Care of Mother and Child at-Risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic), Lec)
NCM18-109r (Care of Mother and Child at-Risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic), Lab)
NCM18-115 (Nursing Research 2)
NCM18-116c (Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Metabolism and Endocrine, Perception and Coordination, Acute and Chronic, Lecture)
NCM18-116r (Care of Clients with Problems in Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Metabolism and Endocrine, Perception and Coordination, Acute and Chronic, Laboratory)
NCM18-117c (Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior, Acute and Chronic (Lec))
NCM18-122 (Intensive Nursing Practicum (Hospital and Community Settings))
NCM24-101b (Health Assessment, Lab)
NCM24-101c (Health Assessment, Lec)
NCM24-102b (Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, Lab)
NCM24-102c (Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, Lec)
NCM24-103 (Health Education)
Net02 (Advance Networking)
NonTrad (Non-Traditional Team Sports)
NSTP2 (National Service Training Program 2)
NumMeth (Numerical Methods)
OJT(ABEng) (On-the-Job Training(500 hours))
OpAud (Operations Auditing)
OpMan (Operations Management and TQM)
OrgRes2 (Organization of Information Resources 2)
PagEbal (Paghahanda at Ebalwasyon ng Kagamitang Panturo)
PagFil2 (Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya (2) Panitikan ng Pilipinas)
Pamamahayag (Introduksyon sa Pamamahayag)
PanFili (Panulaan Filipino)
PanRe (Panitikan ng Rehiyon)
PathFit02 (Exercise-Based Fitness Activities (Arnis and Disarming Techniques))
PathFit2 (Fitness Training)
PathFit4 (Outdoor and Adventure Activities)
PeaceStud (Interdisciplinary Elective (Fundamentals of Peace Studies))
PerFin (Personal Finance)
PhilGeog (Philippine Culture and Tourism Geography)
PhilHis (Readings in Philippine History)
PhilTour (Philippine Tourism, Culture and Geography)
PhilWel (Philippine Social Realities and Social Welfare)
PhyEngb (Physics for Engineers, Lab (Calculus Based))
PhyEngc (Physics for Engineers, Lec (Calculus Based))
PhyGeod (Physical Geodesy)
PhysioAct (Physiology of Exercise and Physical Activity)
PLAN01 (Planning 1: Site Planning and Landscape Architecture)
PLAN03 (Planning 3: Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning)
PlatTech2 (Platform Technologies 2)
PolGov (Introduction to Philippine Politics and Governance)
PoliTheo (Introduction to Political Theory)
PolPsych (Free Elective (Political Psychology))
PolRes2 (Research or Practicum in Political Science 2)
PracFM (Practicum/Work Integrated Learning (600 hours))
PracHM02 (Practicum 2 Hotel Phase (Domestic or International Practicum, 600 hours))
PracMM (Practicum/Work Integrated Learning (600 hours))
Practicum2 (Practicum in Psychology (Clinical and Industry))
PracTM02 (Practicum 2 (600 hours) Transportation Industry/ MICE Industry (International or Domestic based))
PrinLearn (Principles of Motor Control and Learning of Exercise, Sports and Dance)
ProbMat (Problem Solving, Mathematical Investigations and Modelling)
ProdMan (Product Management)
ProdSSt (Production of Social Studies Instructional Materials)
ProfDev (Professional Development and Applied Ethics)
ProfElect1 (IT Professional Elective 1)
ProfElect2 (IT Professional Elective 2)
ProfPrac04 (Architectural Comprehensive Course)
ProfPrac1 (Professional Practice 1: (Law Affecting the Practice of Architecture))
ProfPrac3 (Professional Practice 3: Global Practice in 21st Century)
ProgLogic (Programming Logic and Design)
ProgrLang (Programming Language)
ProMan (Project Management)
ProTeach (Process of Teaching PE and Health)
PsychAssess2 (Psychological Assessment 2)
PsyElec2 (Elective Course 2)
PubFin (Public Finance)
PubLaw (Political Science Elective (Public International Law))
PurCom (Purposive Communication)
QuantiMeth (Quantitative Methods including Modelling and Simulation)
QuaServ (Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality)
RegBus (Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business i)
Remedial (Remedial Instruction)
Res1PE (Research in Physical Education)
Res1TM (Research 1 (Technology Research 1))
ResearchPsych1 (Research in Psychology 1)
ResHos2 (Research in Hospitality, 2)
ResLIS (Research Methods in Library and Information Systems)
ResSoc1 (Research in Social Studies 1)
ResTeach1 (Research in Teaching 1)
ResTeachMat1 (Research in Mathematics I)
ResTour2 (Research in Tourism 2)
RiskMan (Risk Management)
Rizal (Life and Works of Rizal)
Safety (Safety Management)
SalesMan (Sales Management)
Sanaysay (Sanaysay at Talumpati)
SchoolFoodB (School Food Service Management, Lab)
SchoolFoodC (School Food Service Management, Lec)
SciTecSoc (Science, Technology and Society)
SEdIntern (Teaching Internship)
SEdInternship (Teaching Internship)
SEDInternTM (Teaching Internship)
SocCom (Social Work Communication and Documentation)
SocComm (Social Work Practice and Communities)
SocCoun (Social Work Counseling)
SocDeve (Issues in International Social Development)
SocialNet (Social Networking for Social Integration)
SocPract (Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families)
SocProf (Social and Professional Issues)
SocRes2 (Social Work Research 2)
SocSem (Seminar on Current Trends in Social Work Practice)
SocServ (Social Welfare Policies, Programs and Services)
SocStat (Social Work Statistics)
SocTrain (Social Work Community Education and Training)
SoftEngg2 (Software Engineering 2)
SoftwareDesB (Software Design, Lab)
SoftwareDesC (Software Design, Lec)
SPEC01 (Specialization 1)
SPEC03 (Specialization 3)
SpecTrack1 (Special Track Elective 1)
StatApp (Statistical Analysis with Software Application)
Steel (Principles of Steel Design)
Strama (Strategic Management in Tourism & Hospitality)
StratAna (Strategic Business Analysis)
StratPol (Interdisciplinary Elective 3 (Strategies in Teaching Political Science))
StructEng (Structure of English)
SupChain (Supply Chain Management in Hospitality Industry)
SurveyingA (Surveying)
Sustain (Sustainable Tourism)
SysDes (Systems Analysis and Design in Library and Information Systems)
TeachApp (Teaching Approaches in Secondary Social Studies)
TeachArts (Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades)
TeachCulGeo (Teachhing Social Studies in the Intermediate Grades (Philippine History and Government))
TeachCur (The Teacher and the School Curriculum)
TeachLite (Teaching English in the Elementary Grades through Literature)
TeachMat (Teaching Mathematics)
TeachMath2 (Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades)
TeachMulti (Elective: Teaching Multi-grade Classes)
TeachPE (Teaching PE and Heath in the Elementary Grades)
TeachPhySci (Teaching Science in the Intermediate Grades (Physics, Earth and Space Science))
TeachSci (The Teaching of Science)
TeamSports (Team Sports (Soccer/Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball) Non-Traditional: (Ultimate, Handball, Floorball, Futsal, Sepak-Takraw))
TeAsGram (Teaching and Assessment of Grammar)
TeAsMac (Teaching and Assessment of the Macroskills)
Techno (Technopreneurship)
TheatArts (Speech and Theater Arts)
Theo1 (The First Testament for the Contemporary Times)
Theo2 (The Christ in Contemporary Society)
Theo3 (Church in the Contemporary World)
Theo4 (Living in a Moral Life Today)
Theory2 (Theory of Architecture 2)
ThermoLec (Thermodynamics, Lecture)
TourMar (Tourism and Hospitality Marketing)
Transpo (Principles of Transportation Engineering)
TreMan (Treasury Management)
Trends (Trends and Issues in Social Studies)
TropDes (Tropical Design)
UnSelf (Understanding the Self)
WebTech1 (Web Systems and Technologies 1)
WorldHis2 (World History 2 (Modern and Contemporary Era))